A sample implementation and the dataset of the paper, for the design of the shading woodblocks and the details map. It takes 3' to run.

The argument is the number of colors in the color map: WAVE=2, MM=3, BIRD=4, LAKE=4, FLOWER=5

The Input can be found in the input folder and consists of: resized_input.bmp, color_map.bml, color_map_30.bmp, color_map_50.bmp, water_map.bmp

The output will appear inside the output folder: shading.bmp, details_dark_map.bmp

The color maps come from the implementation of the paper: Palette-based Photo Recoloring, H. Chang, O. Fried, Y. Liu, S. DiVerdi, A. Finkelstein

The water maps come from the implementations of: Defocus map estimation from a single image, S Zhuo, T. Sim and Efficient Inference in Fully Connected CRFs with Gaussian Edge Potentials, P. Krähenbühl, V. Koltun

Since the implementation is old minor changes are needed to compile, e.g., CV_BGR2GRAY needs to be replaced with cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY [Note]