The argument is the number of colors in the color map: WAVE=2, MM=3, BIRD=4, LAKE=4, FLOWER=5
The Input can be found in the input folder and consists of: resized_input.bmp, color_map.bml, color_map_30.bmp, color_map_50.bmp, water_map.bmp
The output will appear inside the output folder: shading.bmp, details_dark_map.bmp
The color maps come from the implementation of the paper: Palette-based Photo Recoloring, H. Chang, O. Fried, Y. Liu, S. DiVerdi, A. Finkelstein
The water maps come from the implementations of: Defocus map estimation from a single image, S Zhuo, T. Sim and Efficient Inference in Fully Connected CRFs with Gaussian Edge Potentials, P. Krähenbühl, V. Koltun
Since the implementation is old minor changes are needed to compile, e.g., CV_BGR2GRAY needs to be replaced with cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY [Note]